Friday, January 2, 2009

5 Smart Tips To Avoid the Stress of Shopping For Holiday Gifts

1. Say no to a rigid gift list.

This doesn't mean that when you arrive on a situation like when you get to see a "spunkier" Ipod when you originally thought of giving out a Walkman, you'll always give in. The thing is that you should be open to alternatives with your choice of gifts. You might as wel, jot down all the possible options on that gift on your list in case you're having a hard time looking for it.

2. Nifty over Hefty.

An expensive price tag does not necessarily mean a perfect gift. What is more appreciated is creativity and when someone puts in genuine effort. Your budget does not have to suffer so much during the holidays. Doing your homework will get you a long, long way.

3. Doing some favor is a labor of love.

Instead of material presents, an act of kindness can very well serve as a very valuable holiday gift. One may run errands or do things like babysit for a busy aunt, cook dinner for a couple, or do a car wash. Of course, just don't forget to do this for free. One more thing, you can also do this goodie-two-shoes stuff not only for your family and friends but also for those less-fortunate.

4. Techie not Newbie.

For those who are still thinking that the Internet is only a mirage of the future, please wake up. You're so late! Online shopping is one of the many conveniences the Internet offers. Just click the mouse and voila! Before you are a wide array of brands and pricelists for your choice of gifts., EBay, and are just a few of the best web sites that can help you in this endeavor. Just remember to provide ample time for delivery.

5. Comfort Zone.

During the commotion from shopping for holiday gifts, it's wise to wear your most comfortable outfits. This will make it easier for you to rummage through shelves of stuffs and will make scurrying not much of a hassle.

More shopping tips

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